Monday, March 17, 2008

The King of Kong

I just happened to watch The King of Kong: A fistfull of quarters. It was on Netflix instant watch in the top 50 movies. I LOVED IT! I feel like such a gaming nerd but it was a great movie. It is a documentary about the quest for the world championship title in arcade Donkey Kong (yeah I just lost you there right?). If you watch it you will probably end up loving Steve Wiebe and hating Billy Mitchell at least I hope so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of my students at work keep telling me to watch this movie! I used to play Donkey Kong when I was a teenager (and recently at Disney Quest in Florida where they have 3 retro 80's arcades - TRE COOL!), so I totally understand and am definitely going to rent it soon. And if the Duck likes it, I'm sure I will too!
